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Eurasian migrations into Northeast Africa was a complex and multifaceted process 2022

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  • Eurasian migrations into Northeast Africa was a complex and multifaceted process 2022

    Recent studies have identified Northeast Africa as an important area for human movements during the
    Holocene.Eurasian populations have moved back into Northeastern Africa and contributed to the genetic
    composition of its people. By gathering the largest reference dataset to date of Northeast, North, and East
    African as well as Middle Eastern populations, we give new depth to our knowledge of Northeast African
    demographic history. By employing local ancestry methods, we isolated the Non-African parts of modern-day
    Northeast African genomes and identified the best putative source populations. Egyptians and Sudanese Copts
    bore most similarities to Levantine populations whilst other populations in the region generally had predomi-
    nantly genetic contributions from Arabian peninsula rather than Levantine populations for their Non-African
    genetic component. We also date admixture events and investigated which factors influenced the date of ad-
    mixture and find that major linguistic families were associated with the date of Eurasian admixture. Taken
    as a whole we detect complex patterns of admixture and diverse origins of Eurasian admixture in Northeast
    African populations of today.
